Thursday, September 15, 2022

Te Wiki O Te Reo Māori Language Week

This week we have been celebrating Te Wiki O Te Reo Māori Language Week. At Netherby School we are always incorporating te reo activities and language into our daily and weekly routines. This week we celebrated by creating a piece of koru art work. Have a look below at how fantastic they look!

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Tongan Language Week

To celebrate Tongan Language week in Room 4 we have been doing a range of different activities. We have learnt some new Tongan words, done reading activities, learnt some Tongan songs and made sone Tongan fans. We presented these in our school celebration assembly with our Tongan welcome song.


Room 4 has been working hard on making sure we present our work with quality writing. Have a look at how wonderful Kees and Josès handwriting is! 😍

Acrostic Poems

 We have been learning how to write an Acrostic poem. Here are some we wrote using our names! 

Thursday, September 1, 2022

MID Term 3 Update

This Term has whizzed by! Here are some things we have been up to 😎

We have been working hard on our spelling rules! We love the routine of our spelling programme and are learning lots of new heart words.

Lulu has been working on more challenging puzzles. She is a whiz!

We have been on a roll in maths! This Term we have done some work on Geometry and different components of shapes. 

Currently we are exploring measurement!

We have been learning some new gymnastics tricks in PE and we are getting really good! It has been exciting trying new things.

We also had the opportunity to learn some hockey skills with a hockey coach.